I refer to myself as a “lazy personal trainer” because I am constantly battling my two strong desires to kick butt & take names and strap on the feedbag like there’s no tomorrow.

Tuesday evening, we whipped up a fabulous dinner of grilled steaks, veggie mash potatoes and corn on the cob. There was a LOT of good food and I ate more than my share. Dessert presented the choice of chocolate chip bundt cake or 70-calorie Italian ice pops. I chose the higher ground with the Italian ice. Yum!
So… good meal, good dessert. Satisfaction and satiation, right?
Uh, nope.
When we got home K’s shoulder devil had apparently been talking to him and he insisted we needed sugar cookies with frosting. I, of course, made a cursory verbal protestation before I succumbed to my own little mischievous imp who’d overheard the whole conversation.
And, of course, the girls were no help. “What? Cookies????” They’re young enough that we can still spell words around them but K had made sure he articulated the word, “cooookeeeees” really well.
So within a half hour, we were lickin’ our fingers free of icing and sprinkles before crashing into our beds practically in sugar comas. The next day I stumbled out of bed totally feeling my pig-out hangover. Thank goodness Dr. Personal Trainer quickly dominated and got me out for a morning run. Ahhhh, I came home cleansed and energized.
Breakfast of Champions! |
I scooped up a dish of nonfat cottage cheese with cantaloupe and prepared for a stellar, healthy day.
And then I saw it. K had taken the girls to get Krispy Kremes for breakfast (I mean is he trying to kill us? Seriously.) and had “thoughtfully” left one for me. Ms. Lazy reared her ugly head yet again as I sank my teeth into another delectable confection.
... Sort of. |
At least it was blueberry. Antioxidants, y’know.
The bright side of all this is I think my inner Hyde has gotten enough satisfaction with this latest rampage that she hasn’t resurfaced since. Dr. Personal Trainer has kept me active and eating clean for the last two days!
Ms. Lazy, I beat you into submission yet again… for now.
In our relationship Sharon chose to be the responsible one. However, she easily sucoms (I can't spell) to my whims. I think it is because I am so irrisistably cute!