Whenever I start a conversation with K by saying, “Y’know what I’m thinking…?” He ALWAYS quickly jumps in and says, “Yes. ‘Shooooooooz.’” As in shoes. Right. Like that’s all I ever think about. C’mon, my brain is filled with a few more thoughts than just shoes. It’s more like, “Shoooooz. Chocolate. Shooooooz. What should I make for dinner? Shooooooooooooooooooooooooz.”
Yes, like most women, I have a deep, abiding love/lust for shoes. It started when I was very young and has persisted into my adulthood. If I had the means to be Imelda Marcos, I would be.
So on Christmas morning, you can imagine my utter delight at being genuinely surprised by receiving TWO pairs of new shoes! The first were running shoes from my incredibly thoughtful husband. I have needed a new pair in the worst way but kept putting off buying them because some other little expense would pop its annoying head right in my face and cackle viciously as my plans for new runners were once again relegated to the back burner.
Hot pink running shoes! I wish these would've worked. |
My feet are happy in my Brooks Ghost 3 |
The other shoes were sassy peep-toe booties from my daughters that once again displayed K’s attentiveness. He’d apparently heard me mention more than once that some booties were just what I needed to update my wardrobe. OK, I realize that it’d take more than just some booties to update my nothing-but-jeans-and-t-shirts-and-workout-clothes wardrobe. But I had convinced myself that’s all I needed. So he had the girls help pick out a pair. And I must say they did extremely well. I loved the high spiky heels and slight platform sole (I was at least 6’4” with them on) and the lace-up detail was rockin’!
Check these out! |
But as I sat there and drank in their beauty and delicious impracticality, it hit me that what I really did need and, in fact, really did want when it all came down to it, was practicality. Another rant K has heard from me lately is that it’s ridiculous that I don’t have any decent hiking boots to wear to Red Rock Canyon and Mt. Charleston for our climbing and hiking outings. I mean, we’re out there weekly, if not more, and I end up wearing the oldest, rattiest shoes I have because I don’t mind if I get them dirty and scuffed. But what I really need is a sturdy pair that can withstand the terrain and conditions I put them through and feel good while doing it.
I tried on the sassy booties. I saw how smokin’ they looked with some hot-pink tights, but I realized that I just wouldn’t get the same value and use from them that I would from a pair of sturdy, comfortable and practical hiking boots. With the kind of lifestyle I have, I’d wear the booties maybe a few times a year. And I would indeed love feeling so stylish and edgy while strutting down… well, the grocery aisle, I guess. See what I mean? As much enjoyment as I would surely get out of the occasional fashion upgrade, it’s a much bigger – and more frequent – rush for me when I lace up some new athletic performance shoes in preparation for my next sporting venture.
So at this time when, for us, every dollar counts, I responsibly packed up the whimsical foot candy and returned it to the store and will now focus some energy on finding the right hiking boot.
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These could work. They're Keen's "Red Rock"... perfect! |