Music is powerful, magical and can be very motivating! Lately it has often been a significant factor in enhancing my performance while running. I know I've picked a good song for my play list when - despite my panting and wheezing - I still feel compelled to sing along out loud!
Often when I'm dragging my feet to even start my workout, I put on some good tunes and am suddenly inspired to change my clothes and get moving!
I've said it before: music that motivates is such a personal thing, but I thought I'd share a few songs that are working for me lately:
Angel of Harlem - U2
Beautiful Life - Ace of Base
Bust a Move - Young MC
Don't Stop the Music - Rihanna
Hung Up - Madonna
Kiss - Prince
Let My Love Open The Door - Pete Townsend
Love Drunk - Boys Like Girls
Love Shack - B52s
More Than A Feeling - Boston
Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
Poison - Bel Biv Devoe
Safety Dance - Men Without Hats
Uprising - Muse
We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister
Wild Boys - Duran Duran
Your Love Is My Drug - Ke$ha
Quite the mix-up, I know, but I love all these for various reasons... some old stuff, some new.
Whatever it is that gets you moving... put some good music on the next time you're dragging!